Reading this article will not give you the key to the universe or anything like but it might offer you some hints, possibly shed some light over the darkness where you might find what you were looking for. There is a field of intelligence that is beyond the logical human mind. As such, mere words fall short of explaining what is unless someone actually enters that dimension of intelligence to realize. consciously be aware. In this dimension, anything that makes sense in our regular 3D world, doesn’t make sense anymore, everything you know collapses including your ego. The only way to make sense of that dimension is to accept that it doesn’t actually make sense; then, the world opens its doors for you. All the true answers to your questions lie here in this dimension. Also, the answers may likely differ from person to person. You, yourself, has to go in there to find what you are looking for. Thus, it is futile to ask for others who have been there for your answers. The best they can do for you is to suggest you the right direction.
Do not try to fit in, Do not try to mold yourself into a fixed shape
Do not try to be liked by others at the expense of your own joy. Do not try to box yourself into limited thinking. Do not be a slave to your compulsions. Do not be dictated by your subconsciousness. Listen to others, listen to what they say but be the last person who decides everything for yourself. Don’t worry about making mistakes and failures. True learning, development and evolution only happen when you make your decision by yourself, fail and learn from it. Evolution only happens when you run past the limits, the fears, and everything that is holding you back. This requires action, execution, thinking, looking back, learning, doing it again, go further, doing it again to go even further. This process, above all, destroys the old habits, makes you realize those limiting factors were just tiny barriers not huge rows of walls in your mind, this sudden realization that you were the person who was holding you back not God, not Devil, not others, not the society, but you yourself, will give you an immense feeling of freedom of thought, conscious thinking, liberation, liberation from the past, liberation from the worries of the future, liberation from everything. If we are constantly busy trying to fit in, mold in, then there is no time to liberate ourselves from the shackles of the residues left by the past impressions guided by our subconscious habits.
Tread your own unique path, Go all the Way till the End
This means you will be lonely. This means you will have no company. Even if you have company, they will not see exactly the way you are seeing. This takes courage. This means letting go of everything you are attached to at the expense of getting to the end. This will be the biggest sacrifice you will make. And, the road ahead will not be ever easy. It will be full of hardships and failures for you to learn the necessary skills to reach the end. This means crying in the shadow of the moonlight only by yourself. This means screaming in the darkness for it to reach no one’s ears, even god’s. There will be no one to comfort because you have left them. You will be feeling like giving up at any moment. You will be asking yourself why you are doing this to yourself where you could have the easy path just like everyone else and live comfortably. When the mind is overcome by this doubt and if you can’t give good enough, solid explanation to it, you will lose, you will go back, quit. Have the answers ready for the torture in your mind so that your mind will not give in to weakness. Be able to answer these questions even in your sleep. Turn the circumstance around, instead of seeing yourself as a victim, see yourself as the winner who got the courage to take the lesser traveled path and be proud of yourself for doing it. Find the tactical edge in those tough situations that will keep you going when the motivation is gone, when your mind is working against you, when you feel the worst. These types of battles and fights inside your mind with the devil will not happen only once. You have to defeat it again and again, every time it emerges from your darkness, your weakness, your hatred, your regret, your anger, your sorrow, and the worst, your emptiness.
You have to dig deep into that pit of darkness welling inside your spiral of your mind, face it and come to terms with them, let them come out without letting them taking over you. You have to fix your foundation so that you can be your best ally not the worst enemy.
Those horrible memories of the past are still lingering inside deeply buried in your subconsciousness. You have been escaping and ignoring for all these years and you think they are gone but still exist deeply buried. And, they come out at the worst possible moments, especially when you are feeling the worst and they make you quit on your path, on your goal, on your SELF! Or, you can use that worst moments to face your shadow, co-operate with it, no more ignoring it but fully embracing it, give it a freedom to come out, accept it as a part of yourself; so that, they will be happy that you are finally acknowledging and being aware of them, and they have been dying to see you and feel your love. When you do that, they will be happy to help you, they will lend you their strength, their energy, their emotions instead of trying to hurt you. You see, all these time, all they wanted was for you to realize them; that is why, when they were given opportunity, they were coming out. The collapse of whatever you are trying to build on a broken foundation is only a matter of time. Allow evolution to happen by fixing your foundation.
Do not try to do it, Just Do it! Do not try to be something, just Be it!
You see, we have been told, molded, shaped by our parents, religion, society norms and all the external factors to try our bests, to try to be something that we don’t want to be, to try to please others, to try to find meaning, to try to make it work, everything involves us trying. Trying means we are forcing. Forcing means we are using more than enough energy to accomplish something which usually often end-up falling short of our capabilities, expectations, tires and stresses us. Do not think about trying or forcing. Just fucking do it exceeding your expectations. Do not give in that faculty of mind that we need to try. None of that bullshit. If there is something needs to be done, just go and fucking do it! Break that mental barrier, that resistance, destroy that shit, take control of the driving wheel.
Do what needs to be done first, not what you want to do!
Seek the uncomfortable necessities not the comfortable luxuries. Find meaning and joy in that torture. Always defeat the torture, defeat your mental barriers. Do the homework, do your research, familiarize yourself with the terrain-the area of your operation, study them, create your plan of attack, your edge, plan for every possible outcomes and situations, not only what you will do for every situation but also go deeper, forecast what kind of mental barriers will come out and how you will overcome yourself first in those dire situations before taking over the enemy in the field, create an edge over your enemies inside and outside for every scenario planned beforehand, then go and KILL your enemies with a performance way over their expectations, take their souls, make their causes a fucking lie but with a little bit of compassion and love! Give them nothing but oozing respect for you, make them play in your rules not theirs, make them live in your frequency not theirs. Show them how dangerous you can be if they decide to go against you, but also show them how compassionate and loving you can be if they choose to stay in your frequency! Be that double-edge sword just like how life is! By doing this over and over again, you will find your own way, your frequency, your way of doing things, you learn the rules of the game and the rules you will abide by that will guide you if necessary, you learn about yourself more than the others. This will give you the answer to your question: Who am I? And, this only happens when you do the things that needs to be done first, getting out of your comfort zone, learning about yourself. Hardship teaches a lot about life itself and about you as well to. Comfortable and luxurious lifestyle is nice for a moment but too much of it will kill you, kill your mind, kill your independence, make you a slave to prison of comfort and most importantly, you will not be free in that type of lifestyle.
Be water not rock.
Even though, you may have a working set of your own rules, your own style, your own frequency, do not try to be a tyrant forcing your frequency on life itself. Life on the whole operates on every frequency and yours is just one of them. There is a unique frequency for every unique situation of life. Do not hold on to one if it is not good in that unique moment. Learn to flow like water adjusting itself to the terrain it is passing. Be gentle in your approach to find the correct frequency but rock-solid on following up with that frequency meaning when you find the best solution, stay with it until the end without digressing. This an art in itself and it is damn interesting game to find the right balance of the two.
Doing all these tough but interesting activities may or may not give you the answers to your questions but doing so will make your life interesting, meaningful and playful. What is the goal of life? To me, it is to go my own path without hurting others, this would give me the most fun and pleasure of being alive, this is my way of playing and dancing with life.
The knife cannot cut itself, the “knower” cannot know itself. You have to ask the person who made the knife why that person made that knife in the first place. The knife maker made the knife to cut stuff or maybe sell it for profit, who knows? We don’t know unless he tells us. Just like this, you have to ask the creator why he made us. Chances are you won’t hear anything back. If you search in philosophy, you will not find any rock-solid answer (trust me I have already done that and the closest idea was Existentialism). I guess we were created to live????!!?? I don’t know for sure but if we assume that is true then, the reason why we are here is just to live just like how knifes are made to cut things, animals, human beings every living being on earth here to live. Then, the best form of living is living joyfully and playfully. And, the true playfulness and joyfulness emerge when we are treading our own path, doing our own things just like how bees are the pollinators and in turn flowers and plants feed them in a balanced ecosystem. We all have our different jobs and roles to play but if we all become something similar then who is gonna do all of the different roles in life for symbiosis to happen. This is the answer I have found on my journey and yours may or may not be the same but it would be the correct one for you.