What is the real meaning of being an Alpha male and the importance of being one

5 min readMar 3, 2019

Lately, the term “alpha male” has resurfaced and became a widely used term. However, as things become widespread, the true meanings tend to get obscured. When an alpha male is the topic of discussion, people think about a man who is strong, big, mean faced- a type of bully we used to see in our middle-and-high schools. Although, there is a certain degree of truth in this depiction, this is far from the reality.

The term alpha was first introduced in the 1950s. Then, it was resurfaced by the author of the book Chimpanzee politics, Frans De Waal in 1980s. He used the term to depict the clan leaders: alpha-chimpanzees in his book. This was the origin; however, as more guys started using the term without knowing the true meaning, the term is now wrongfully used daily.

A bully isn’t really an alpha male, he is just an alpha-wanna be beta-male who is insecure about his social status and power. That’s why he uses his size and anger to feel that he has the power and respect. However, we often mistakenly receive being like a bully is the way to be an alpha.

The real alpha male already knows that he is in control; thus, he is carefree, easygoing and patient. He is the group’s leader and when other members of the group have a scuffle or a fight and if the fight crosses the boundary, then the alpha steps up and stops the fight in order to maintain the peace among the group. In reality, alpha is the one who keeps the group together and if it is a must, he is not afraid of kicking or killing the unruly toxic members.

The real alpha male since he is the group’s leader, takes care of their members. He has much greater responsibilities than the regular members of the group such as maintaining the peace among the group, taking care of the weak (female and children), and making sure that the group survives from the different group’s invasion, natural disasters, famine and drought. However, with greater responsibility comes with a greater power. He has authority over others and have more options with females. Above all, the alpha male is the giver; he is the giver of security and stability, giver of happiness and survivability, giver of care and comfort. This is how it is in the animal world. But are we different than animals? The answer is not so much.

Think about it for a minute. Several thousands of years ago, we used to live like these chimpanzees. As we became civilized and modernized, the alpha qualities persisted. These qualities are what indicate an alpha male to women and as the women of the cavemen-era used to choose the only alpha males so that their chance of survival was maximized, still in today’s world women are attracted to the men who display alpha-male qualities subconsciously. To name a few of these alpha qualities are his social-standing and how he is treating other and how others are treating him, does he have respect in his group, is he the loud and emotional one or the group’s stability-quiet and thoughtful one, how are other women treating him, does he have abundance of choice of women, is he easygoing, carefree, and don’t care what others think and act and be himself or does he act nervous and tries stupid-clown shit to be liked by others. Women will not tell you this is how they choose whom they would mate with because they don’t like to agree that they choose their guys based on these qualities, but they are subconsciously always scanning these types of qualities of a man and subconsciously attracted to alpha males to survive. If you are a beta but your girlfriend has chosen you because of your look, then be prepared to be dumped sooner or later. As soon as she finds an alpha male, she will dump you.

With this being said, are alpha males born or cultivated? I would say if you are a guy born in raised around alpha males, then you can say that you were born as an alpha because your environment was full of testosterone and alphaness. If you were born without an alpha figure around you and there were lot of femininity around you, then you are likely to be an emotional-beta. However, instead of feeling bad for yourself and blaming your mom for not raising you around an alpha male, start taking actions. You can become alpha by replacing your beta habits with alpha habits. Go join the military (Go Army Beat Navy! Class of 2016). Military is full of testosterone and alphaness. You can’t just become an alpha one day. You have to be around them and mimic them. (You also have to learn to take care of yourself damn well first because if you can’t even take care of yourself, then how are you going to take care of others). Then, when you think you know enough, start being your own alpha. It is not easy always taking care of others and being the giver but it comes with an abundance of choice of women and a greater authority over other men.

In the end of the day, it is our life and your choice. You either choose to be the alpha or the beta. The choice is always yours. If you want to and think you can be an alpha; then go ahead. If not, just stay beta. There is nothing wrong being a beta. But women will not choose you. Money alone doesn’t’ make you an alpha. The formula of being alpha is money+respect+stable poise under pressure+leadership qualities. If you are a rich beta, women may choose you for your money for survival needs but you won’t be enough for her. 80–90% of America’s divorce was initiated by women who were bored with their beta husbands. Women will start cheating on you. Really, to keep a woman with yourself, you have to be the most useful man she can mate with for her level. Thus, pick your poison. Both have their own unique sacrifices and gifts.

Personally, I neither consider myself beta or alpha. I have developed my mind above this low level of thinking. It doesn’t matter if I am being beta or alpha. Simply, I don’t give a fuck if others respect me or not and how others perceive me. Only thing that matters to me is how I am doing right now to reach my purpose and am I really being and acting the way I want myself to be and that’s it.




Written by Aether

Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Space.

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