What is the final frontier for the human race? What is the meaning of life?

7 min readOct 27, 2024


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We, the human beings, used to be the punching bag among the food chain. Fortunately, the human gene found a way to beat the system and came up on top of the food chain. Today, obesity kills more people than wild animals. We, the human race, no longer have a shared enemy across all domains except ourselves. The human race is now running the world, dictating how the life on earth would be for other species and currently is in the leading position of the race among all organisms on earth. The human gene has won the race but so what? What’s next for the human gene?

The answer is we shall set forth and make the next stage of evolution a reality. This is the only meaningful and significant goal there is for us. We are currently stuck at the same level for the last ~4000 years since the advent of civilization. Yes, technologies have advanced rapidly, and we have the most possible convenience of life in the entire history of the human race, but we are still at the same level we were 4000 years ago. We still haven’t reached the next significant phase of the evolution after arriving at the top of the food chain. As far as I know, there were a few notable leaders such as Jesus Christ, Buddha Gautama, Muhammad and Chingis King (though his method was by force and quite barbaric) who tried to propel the human race to the next phase by creating Worldwide peace.

Why do we must challenge ourselves to the next phase of evolution? Couple of reasons. First reason is that the next evolution is only possible for the human gene. Other genes need to evolve to the level where human gene has reached to have access to the next phase. No other species other than us are too busy trying to survive while the human gene has all possible luxuries in the world.

Secondly, what else do we as a human race, really need other than safety and survival? We have already beaten the system by coming on top of the food chain. Why do we even bother to live now? To extract as much pleasure as possible? Big NO. No form of pleasure can fulfil the requirements of excitement and enjoyment of an actual meaningful life. (Pleasure is the result of going after one’s goal and achieving it. It is a motivating system a human gene has developed to increase the likelihood of its survival a long time ago.) You might be wondering what meaningful life really means? Subjectively, this term can mean anything depending on how and where a person derives the meaning. For any person the meaning of their life could be anything: the devotion to God, family, fame, power, money or love to name a few common derived meanings. Let me tackle each of them below.

Devotion. Back in the day when the modern science wasn’t quite developed yet, people were searching for meaning in their difficult lives. Wars and conflicts were quite often back then compared to the modern era. Thus, the church, specifically the devotion to the “God” emerged as an answer for people to keep on living. However, as the human gene progressed forward, many people have started realizing they were only chasing some kind of made-up theologies church made to fill the void within. The noted historical leaders mentioned above were all after Worldwide peace but not the blind conversion of people to some kind of made-up theories after realizing themselves that the only thing that was left and actually matters to the human race was the next evolution. Nowadays, the power of church is no longer as adamant as it used to be. People are slowly but surely waking up to the reality. Blind or woke, the church and the teaching and doing of these few historical individuals made the people less barbaric and more peace seeking which were necessary for a stable environment for the human race to keep going on. All they tried to teach us was just stop fighting amongst ourselves by making us realize and waking up to the reality.

Family. The reason why people have an inherent desire to reproduce is again the human gene’s doing. The human gene like other genes, is always seeking its next evolution. Thus, it created love and care for others to make sure the human gene doesn’t extinct so that there will always be possibility for the next evolution. Odin, Zeus, or Borte-Chino for Mongolians aren’t the real father of human race. The real father or the God of the human race is human gene. The God of lions is lion gene. Then, the higher God than these species genes/gods is the All-Creator gene which created all other genes. I am not sure what lies beyond this Creator gene. Maybe there is something, maybe not.

Fame. There are many reasons why people seek fame. Some seek fame to be loved by the public, some seek fame to concentrate power and influence at one’s disposal, some seek fame for the fun of it, some seek fame to get acknowledged, some have inherent desire for attention, some are so good at what they do that their art or product make them famous, or some seek fame to make money. There can be so many explanations why people seek fame.

Power. People seek power to increase their likelihood of survival. To 100% ensure one’s future survival is by writing it him/herself. To write it as exactly as one wants to, one must have a clear paper and a pen that has ink completely under one’s control. There is no more direct and straightforward yet effective pen and paper than power in this world. If one doesn’t have pen and paper, the ones with the pen and paper write their future for him, her or they. Hence, not only people but also states and countries are always engaging in power plays. The need for survival and the associated risks of uncertainties of the future motivate and propel people and countries fight for power.

Money. Money is simply a tool. A damn effective tool. It buys anything that it can buy. It can buy any form of pleasure. There are a really few things in the world that money can’t buy such as real love, decency, class, kindness, knowledge, skill, development, time, etc. It ensures one’s survival too. Money or wealth increase one’s significance, influence and status in any society she belongs. Having money solves a lot of issues today’s people face as well.

Love. Love is a force. A damn powerful force that forces people to appreciate and desire to live. By his statement, “The beauty will save the world,” Fyodor Dostoevsky meant that realizing and becoming aware of all forms of beauties of life cause a man to appreciate life and want to keep on living. On other words, realizing specific beauty of even the simplest part of the life cause a man to love and appreciate life. The love of a father to his children prevents him from committing suicide by making him want to be with his children as long as possible because of the internally automatically generated feeling of love whenever he is around his children. Love is an eternal and infinite source of care without looking for any trade for giving it. Love is the highest form of happiness that transcends time and space.

Without knowing or understanding, people try to fill the void of meaning of their lives with the above-mentioned subjects. Beyond gaining pleasure and survival, they fail to fill the void. If one can surpass the surface of these forces and emotional needs such as greed and love, then there is simply only one thing left for any person to do and that is one’s evolution to the next phase. A disenchantment and unattachment from these need-for-survival and pleasure-based forces and emotions allow one to step foot into the next phase. And in this next phase of evolution, there is only one thing and that is pure consciousness along with its eternal peace. If all of us, the human race just stops fighting each other and evolve beyond their emotional needs, finally a true worldwide peace can materialize which will propel the human race to the next evolution. Otherwise, we will be stuck at our current level forever due to incessant fighting amongst ourselves. At our current level, the human gene is too busy fighting each other which renders the next evolution impossible.

The Worldwide peace is only possible when all of us are internally at peace beyond our desires and emotions. Then, the human gene will evolve by its due course. I am not sure exactly how the next evolution of a human gene will be like but if we succeed to achieve the Worldwide peace, the world our next generations would be living-in should be full of green nature, animals, modern science and technologies, no wars or conflicts, no states or countries but only big cities, every major city connected to each other, no more passports, no more fighting over scarce resource but sharing and no more development at the expense of the nature or at other people’s misfortune. The only real meaning and challenge of life for us, the human gene, is the creation and maintenance of Worldwide peace so that the Human gene can move on to the next stage of Evolution. There is a lot of work to do!




Written by Aether

Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Space.

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