If there is one mathematical equation that anyone needs to be aware of, then it would be something like this: y+x…=a.
This equation simply says that if “a” is the result you are after, then you must be willing to give y, x…etc. Such a simple equation yet so overlooked and over-complicated for no reason.
- Lets’s say that “a” is getting in a good shape. Thus, to get the result “a,” you must be willing to train hard which would be your “y,” dedicate time which can be your “x,” and keep disciplined food, drink, and rest habits which would be your, let’s say your “z” in this case. In other words, to take something or get something, somewhere, there must always be correct sacrifices is what this equation tells us. In the above example, one needs to sacrifice his time, his compulsion for eating unhealthy foods, drinks and staying up late partying or whatever he wants to do for short term pleasure, and his comfort of relaxing at the couch for some time instead to train hard.
- If there is no sacrifice then the equation creates nothing. If the left side of the equation x,y,z…etc are not there, then the equation would go to zero: if you would replace “x” and “y” with “0” then the equation will not result into “a” but 0-nothing. In other words, if x=0 and y=0, then the equation x+y=a won’t be correct anymore: it would be like this 0+0=0. Yet, this is what the most people try to do. Most people are always wanting something without giving up anything for it. These are the type of people who are waiting for some kind of miracle to happen to their lives: waiting for the impossible to happen. If it doesn’t work in mathematics then it is not gonna work in our lives. Mathematics is the greatest language invented by the ancients to model the universe. If you wanna get master at something, then you have to dedicate at least 10,000 hours. If you want to have a great relationship with a person you hold dear, then you have to sacrifice your time and effort for that to happen. If you want a disciplined and well-mannered, smart child then you have to work on him or her from the day he/she was born. Whatever you want in life, you always to have sacrifice or give up the necessary elements: x,y,z….etc. Now, you can accept this harsh truth and live with it to lead a meaningful life or not accept and lead a miserable life where only mediocrity, downward spiral full of regret, misery, and short-term compulsive escapisms exist. Former is the journey of a hero who wouldn’t accept quitting and making the best of his life, thus creating a heaven on earth while the latter is the descent of a quitter who is full of agony, misery and hate, creating a hell on earth. The former seems to be the harder route but in actuality the latter suffers more in his wickedness in the long run.
- The next dire mistake most people do is they sacrifice not the “x” and “y” but something similar yet different such as “v” and “c” and then expect “a” but in reality “b” comes. If only the combination of “x” and “y” result into “a”, then the combination of “v” and “c” won’t result into “a”; the combination of different elements than “x” and “y” would create a different result than “a” maybe something like “b”: v+c=b. If this is true, then giving up “v” and “c” would never bring “a” to you but this is what most people keep doing over and over again when the life clearly shows them that what they are sacrificing aren’t bringing them the intended result. Then why we do this ourselves? Why we can’t just admit our mistakes, learn from it and modify what we are giving up to get the result we want? Why we fail at such a simple task? We are not dumb. We are the pinnacle of natural evolution. Our cortex is much bigger than other mammals. We have learned to use our brain to predict and foresee a possible future scenario yet we fail at this seemingly simplest and easiest task of admitting our mistake and executing proper modification in what we are sacrificing. Well, it has to do with our ego. Our ego is what gives us guidelines and structures to tread in this structure-less and chaotic universe. Our ego wants to be right, more accurately we want our ego to be right because if it fails then it also means that our guideline is wrong and nobody wants to even think that they are operating through a faulty system in a free world. Thus, we do everything to prove our ideas to be right. Jordan Peterson himself said that ideas are alive, it breathes and it has goals whereas facts are dead end. To prove our ideas, the human species have gone through a lot and ended up creating hell on earth if one would recall the events of the communism and fascism. Usually, if there is so much pain and stress in your life then it means that whatever the structure you are operating through is not simply working best with the laws of the universe to bring you your expected results. In times of this, the easier method of handling is to become humble like water. As Bruce Lee said, if you put water into a teapot, it becomes the teapot and if you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. What we are essentially doing is we are trying to shape the teapot into our own shapes from the inside which would never happen and being stressed about it when we can just modify ourselves to be in the shape of a teapot. No one can operate against the laws of the universe, the Being. We don’t invent things, we just discover how the laws of Being work and make use of it. The airplane mimics the birds, submarines mimic fishes, electricity mimics lightnings, AI mimics the function of the brain and so on. Therefore, it is a must to be humble and be flexible as water when the life proves that you are not sacrificing the right ingredients.
- Lastly, the equations also explains how the bad habits form and we go even deeper into the rabbit hole. This equation is the law of everything. It doesn’t just only work on positive goal achievement. The universe doesn’t know what you really want or not. It gives you back whatever based on what you are giving it. If someone is constantly giving up their time, money, and consuming alcohol to forget the existence of self-conscious for a short period of time, then what the universe will give that person would be alcoholism. If someone is giving up their time, money, and eating bunch of unhealthy food and drink, what the universe would give that person back in return would be fat and unhealthy body. x+y+z = a. In this case, “x” would be time, “y” would be unhealthy food, “z” would be unhealthy drink, then the “a” would be fat and unhealthy body. Yet, when we do get these unwanted results, we started finding rationalizations, excuses, justifications, bla bla bla which only show us that our pitiful mind is doing its best not to blame ourselves but others because blaming ourselves take courage, strength, humility, and for some damn reason we just hate to be wrong. Life is unfair. It has never been and won’t be. The pareto principle already proved this. 20 percent of the whole 100 percent produces the 80 percent of all of the all goods. Then what good and use it would to blame the already unfair world? Only more misery which in turn render the human being a nihilist, hater of a kind. There was a girl who gave up on having a healthy slim figure just because she can’t control her eating habits and just accepts her mediocrity and rationalizes her bad habit saying “we only live once, I just wanna live happy and easygoing,” there is an another alcoholic girl who just keeps drinking and the justification she uses not to take responsibility is the same, “we only live once, why bother trying to be good when you can just keep drinking and be happy, why should I fight with my bad habit and be in constant stress to be good when I can jus allow myself to be sunk in my addictions.” Maybe she had a tough past, horrible things happened to her, maybe there were no adult to properly guide her during her childhood, maybe the universe is at fault but what good is there to blame the universe? The universe would just laugh at her and won’t do nothing unless she starts sacrificing her addiction, compulsion for the better “good.” Shouldn’t we try and be the best we can be and be good by sacrificing our short term pleasures and compulsions and lead a meaningful life that we can’t regret later in life if it is true that we only live once?
In essence, this simple mathematical equation involving just a simple arithmetic operation is telling us that we cannot escape from the casuality: cause and effect. We are forever slaves to the cause. One may think they are tricking the casuality by escaping from it and they intend to escape for forever. Does one really want to spend his life forever esca ping being chased? Or does one want to meet the casuality, own it up, and live to seek and excited for the next casuality? Which way?